Kurs 5. Fat Quarter Log Cabin – Marti Mitchell

5. Fat Quarter Log Cabin – Marti Mitchell

"Unlike scrap Log Cabin quilts that feature a different fabric in every strip of a block, this scrap Log Cabin quilt depends on orderly repetition of fabrics within each block.
Learn a great method for cutting and sewing that makes these blocks fast and, better yet, square. The four blocks you make in class can be the start of a big quilt or a very satisfactory wallhanging approximately 30” square."

5. Fat Quarter Log Cabin – Marti Mitchell

 5. Fat Quarter Log Cabin – Marti Mitchell

4 timer lørdag, - kr. 800
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Program for NQFs årsmøtehelg 
Påmelding for deltagelse og kurs

Marti Michell har 2 kurs til på årsmøtehelgen: 4. Double Wedding Ring (6 t fredag) og 6. Sunburst (4t søndag)
 Marti Michells hjemmeside.


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